Facial and Hand Recognition
High-resolution imaging of skin chromophores
Invisible Markers
Using a specialized spectrum for high-resolution imaging of skin chromophores, we can capture enhanced feature detail, opening up new possibilities for facial recognition and health analysis.

Distinct Chromophores
Chromophores are unique to each individual, and they're much more detailed than skin markers. By harnessing the power of this technology, we can reveal otherwise undetectable skin details.
The system functions effectively under varied lighting and viewing conditions, accurately identifying even partially obscured faces.

The Data Capture Process
Employing specialized spectrum cameras with exceptionally narrow bandpass filters, we can focus on a band of invisible light for detailed chromophore capture. Advanced algorithms then analyze these hidden features and create unique descriptors for each individual. The features are then compared against a pre-existing database.

Health Scoring
Hyperspectral facial and hand analysis can be used to measure a variety of health indicators, including pallor, temperature, sweat, and chromophores. Images can then be compared to a reference population, and the metrics can be combined into an overall health score that may be used for screening.